Advance Storage Automation designs, builds and installs automated pallet storage and handling technology.
Rover is a shuttle-based pallet storage and handling system that moves bi-directionally with no fixed aisle automation.
Storage and Handling Advantages
Rover automation solutions are designed around customer needs and available storage space. Our automated system is able to match any SKU profile, can be reconfigured depending on storage needs and provides flexible placement of the Infeed and Outfeed stations anywhere on the racking grid.
Automation Capabilities | Industry Applications
Rover is a fully-automated system with unlimited applications for ambient and cold warehouse storage. Can accommodate multiple storage modules within one facility and deliver automated pallet handling for production lines. Ideal for high throughput and high density storage and handling applications.
Flexible Storage | Dynamic Lane Configuration
Advance Storage Automation’s storage systems are designed to meet specific storage needs with multiple storage depth options. The system has unlimited flexibility to configure design to operation’s needs without limitations inherent in other automation alternatives.